Learn bokeh python
Learn bokeh python

#Learn bokeh python code

As article doesn’t focus on these steps I will just insert the code below with all the transformations I have made. Then we perform some EDA (exploratory data analysis) to understand what we are dealing with and after that cleaning and transforming data into format necessary for analysis.

learn bokeh python

How do we start to analyze the data? Correct, by importing necessary packages and by importing data itself (very important :D). You can also download these files from here. So I took two files: one with CO2 emissions from and another from DataCamp course (because that file was already preprocessed 😀 yeeeeees, I am a lazy bastard 😀 ). Decided to visualize the changes in CO2 emissions in time and in correlation to GDP (and check if that correlation even exists, because you never know :|). So I created some kind of case study for myself. Bokeh can help anyone who would like to quickly and easily create interactive plots, dashboards, and data applications.” I think it’s pretty clear, but it would be much better to see it in action, wouldn’t it?īefore starting, make sure you have Bokeh installed in your environment, if you don’t have it, follow the installation instructions from here. Its goal is to provide elegant, concise construction of versatile graphics, and to extend this capability with high-performance interactivity over very large or streaming datasets. Recently I came over this library, learned a little about it, tried it, of course, and decided to share my thoughts.įrom official website: “Bokeh is an interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation.

Learn bokeh python